About Duane

Duane is the Web Marketing Manager for Screaming Circuits, an EMS company based in Canby, Oregon. He blogs regularly on matters ranging from circuit board design and assembly to general industry observations.

CAD This or CAD That

I use Eagle CAD a lot. I can get away with the “Light” version, because the designs I create are small and noncommercial. I do use it sometimes to illustrate points here on my blog, but I think that still meets the qualifications of the free version. It’s a good program and the multiple license levels from the free version up to the full professional version add a lot of flexibility to have the software grow with you.

Our partner, Sunstone, builds most of our PCBs here, which is a nice segue into an alternative CAD package. There are a lot of reasons to pick one CAD package over another. I won’t go into that here because those reasons tend to be specific to the application. Most CAD packages are sold as a lump-sum purchase up front. A lot of them also have yearly license renewal fees. That works sometimes, but there are other times where up front costs are more important. The model that Sunstone uses for PCB123 is to provide the software at no charge and just add a little tiny bit of the software cost onto the PCB board purchase.

PCB123 isn’t the only package that follows this business model and is tied into a specific PCB vendor. But, as far as I can tell, PCB123 is the only package of its sort that has enough capability to be a viable replacement for more traditional pay-first CAD packages.

I recently downloaded V4.1.11 and have started to run it through my own personal “can I use this for my stuff” test. I know it’s a good package because we, here at Screaming Circuits get boards of all sorts designed with PCB123 to assemble from all manner of company. But, something can be a good package and still not fit an individuals specific requirements. Hence my personal tests.

I do find it odd, but not really an issue, that it starts you off in the layout editor instead of the schematic editor for a new design. Oh well. One click and I’m in the schematic where I can search for my parts. I use PIC chips and it’s pretty rare that I find the exact chip. I always seem to have to find something close and then modify it, which just adds more opportunities for error. I know there’s a jillion 28-SOIC,M28B_sml varieties, but once in a while it would be nice to just find the actual part.

Fortunately, today I’m looking for PIC18F2320 in an SOIC package. Fortunately, because it’s actually there! I hit the “Insert” menu and choose “Add Part”. Then I put “PIC18F23” in the search box, and there it is, but not on the computer. It was in their online labraries. (In the cloud?) It took all of about 15 seconds to automatically download the library footprint though, so first test = passed.

And the really cool thing is that once I have that part in there (for the parts found pre-made in the library), I just select the “Bill of Materials” tab down on the bottom and I can see if DigiKey has the part in stock and how much it costs.

Duane Benson
If it’s in Oregon, the “cloud” is probably a rain cloud


Top 10 Ways to Use the Summer to Your Advantage

Now, we’re talking in an engineering context here. There certainly are plenty of ways to use the summer to your advantage if you like to water ski or go backpacking, but this is a specific list. Here are my top-ten suggested ways to use the summer to your advantage as an electronics designer:

#Europa – Work longer. You can spend an extra few hours with you friend the Oscilloscope fighting the demons of clock jitter. With the longer days in the summer, you can do so and still get home just before sunset, as everyone else in the family is ending their relaxing evening and getting ready for bed.

#Luna – Be Green. All of those extra photons bouncing around during the summer will help to keep your solar panels producing at high-output. If only you had thirty years of continuous summer, you could pay for them before they wear out. If you live in Oregon, you’d probably need sixty years because even our summers can be pretty cloudy and rainy.

#Io – Debug thermal problems. Especially if you don’t have working air conditioning. Late afternoon, the ambient in your lab will have raised up to at least 90. With the stifling lack of air movement, now is the time to turn on the high powered design that seemed to work just fine when you first prototyped it over the winter, but burps at seeming random intervals when used in the field, down in West Texas.

#Callisto – Increase your workspace. It’s hot. It’s clear. And, the open road beckons you. Get out your bicycle and pedal the 20 miles from home into the office. You’ll be adding to #Luna, and if you don’t take a shower when you arrive at the office, you’ll be given plenty of extra lab workbench area.

#Mercury – Help marketing out with some product specs. Say you’ve developed a short-range wireless device. You know how well it works in a real world application. You’ve been testing it in the lab for several months now. You know how much things like walls and microwave ovens will reduce the practical range. But, it rained all winter and spring so you couldn’t go outside and get the absolutely-will-never-happen-in-the-real-world range specs that will go on the brochure and be used to entice and mislead potential customers.

#Titan – Blow some stuff up. Not in the Mythbusters sense, but taking a cue from #Io, you can forget to plug in the cooling fan on your deck of MOSFETs in that new H-bridge you’ve been working on. Crank the PWM up to about 95% and they seem to be handling things okay – at least from the outside view. Then, with the confidence built from that exercise, put a heavy load on the motor and set the PWM at 20%. It’s not gun shots. It’s not popcorn. It’s exploding MOSFETs!

#Ganymede – Waste some time. This works best if you have a window view. You’ve got a lot to do. You’re overworked, underpaid and not given the help you need to get your job done on time. Rather than stressing out of all of that, arrange your cube so that no one walking by can see you monitor, but you have a clear view out the window. Then sit back in your chair, stare past your monitor, out the window and daydream about golf and barbecuing. People will think you’re pondering solutions to design problems.

#Mars – Get more glory. All of your co-workers have been ahead of you throughout the winter. They’ve finished their projects and get to take vacation while you slave away back at the office. While they’re out, fake problems in their designs and then fake the solutions. They’ll all get reprimanded when they return and you’ll be the star of the department. At least you will until the next design review when your boss wants to know why your design is only half finished despite how busy you’ve been all summer.

#Venus – Slip out an actual working product. This is the complement to #Mars for people who are actually good at their jobs. Normally, you’d be under artificially created pressure to release the project before it’s quite ready. There’s some press tour or show or something else that everyone wants it done before. You mess with the company vacation calendar so that the people who want to show it off are never in the office at the same time. That way you’ll be able to ge that extra couple of weeks you need and should have been given to make sure the thing works right the first time and every time.

#Earth – And, drum roll please, the anti-climactic #Earth way you can use summer to your advantage: Clear your head. It’s been a long, rough year, with downsizing, parts on allocation, competitive pressures and a host of other factors that have put you on the fast track to breakdown. Schedule yourself some vacation time. Leave all that junk behind and take your mountain bike to Moab or something. Just don’t take a sharp left when you’re on the “Killer B” trail.

Duane Benson
Don’t look! Heisenberg may have been right.

Blackout at ESC

There’s always excitement at ESC. Almost always, anyway. I think in 2009, it was mostly just spooky quiet. If I remember correctly, the theme for that year was: “But I’m not dead yet …”

Our booth, 823, is across from LeCroy this year. They do cool test equipment. I visited them a few years back to get humiliated by Guitar Hero on the Wii. I didn’t play Guitar Hero this year, but I did get to watch the line for their beer cart and the longer line to get the little robots from Atmel, also near us.

Being mostly stuck in my booth, I haven’t been able to get out and about much to see what else is here, but  Blackout fortunately, some of the excitement came to me. At approximately 4:36, the hall went dark in black out. As you can see from the photo, it was completely out except for the occasional dim glow of a laptop here and there. Me and my booth crew considered doing some looting, but we couldn’t agree on who would pick up a chair and throw it through a window or a monitor.

Half a minute later, we had some emergency lighting and about ten minutes after that, the main lights started coming back on with the convention center’s generators. The power stayed out for the final 45 minutes of the show. As frequently happens, stories of unknown legitimacy started flowing around. The best was that the power was our from Gilroy to just South of San Francisco. Record heat was given as a reason in one case. I’m not sure that 80 degrees should qualify as record heat, but who knows.

Back at the hotel, the elevators were running slowing on generator power. I chose to take the stairs. After a brief stop in our rooms, we were going to go out and hunt down a wild beast to cook on the open fires in the street, but the power came back on and we couldn’t find any open fires.

Duane Benson
Tomorrow we we eat ham and jam and Spam a lot.


Grounded in Reality?

LED scroller 006 thin trimmed

Looking back, I think I could have done a few things different.

For example, I don’t really need a separate power-on LED. I could either just not populate it, or rev the schematic a little to make it a software controlled indicator rather than hard linked to the power switch. That change would allow me to put the device to sleep. The PIC18F25K20 draws somewhere around a tenth of a microamp while in sleep mode. That being the case, I might just discard the power switch all together. Otherwise, it’s cool.

I cuold have given each LED its own via to the ground plane, too. That’s supposed to reduce noise a bit. Although, this will probably never be clocked high enough to make much difference, nor used in an environment where it matters.

Duane Benson
Only half of 10 the types of people will understand


Done and Done

LED scroller 005 trimmed And … (drum roll, please) … it works.

I put in a couple of batteries, programmed the MCU and turned it on. It works.

I’m always surprised when something I design works on the first try. This being such a simple design, I probably shouldn’t be surprised, though. I should at least give myself a little more credit.

The unpopulated lands on the board in the photo are supposed to be unpopulated. I left a few things out because they aren’t needed for what I’m doing with this piece now and leaving them off keeps the cost down.

So, what did I learn from the process?

  • If you have a lot of different parts laying around, it’s pretty easy to grab the wrong one.
  • I ran into some variability in the “zero rotation” position in the CAD library land patterns.
  • The whole process is pretty easy, but start to finish, there are quiet a few steps.
  • It’s a nerve-racking wait after sending off a box of parts.
  • Good communications between designer and assembler are very important.
  • Clear documentation from the designer is very important.
  • This was a WHOLE LOT easier than hand soldering all the SMT parts (I’ve done that before).

That’s a good set of educational results. Next time, I think it will be easier.

Note the large diode polarity indicators on either side of the long row of LEDs and by LED D25. D1, the Schottky on the upper right has the same polarity indicator, but it’s in between the pads, under the part. In case you’re interested, I have a 3V supply. The LEDs drop 1.8V and I’ve got a 150 ohm resistor for each. That gives me a theoretical 8 mA per port for a total maximum of 176 mA with all 22 lit up. That’s within spec in the -40C to 85C temperature range but too much when above 85C. I’m not sticking this in an engine compartment or anything, so no worries there.

Duane Benson
0x45 0x53 0x43 0x20 0x62 0x6F 0x6F 0x74
0x68 0x20 0x38 0x32 0x33 0x20 0x20 0x20


My Mistake — Naturally

I received my PCBs for this project from Sunstone yesterday at about 10:10. I quickly dropped them into my box of parts and delivered it to the receiving pile-of-boxes in our shipping.receiving department. At 11:40 a.m. yesterday, I received an email from our auditing department informing me of a BoM mismatch.

BOM mismatch Yes. I had made a mistake in my bill of materials. The board has a bunch of yellow LEDs and one red LED. I had mistakenly only packed up yellows. Our audit department caught my mistake and sent me a quick email. If I hadn’t have responded yesterday, I would have received another email at midnight. I could have just told the Downsized_0421110938a manufacturing folks to put a yellow LED in that spot, but the yellows are for a display and the red is a power-on indicator so I got my red LEDs and delivered them to receiving.

This morning I got my assembled boards all nicely wrapped in anti-static bags along with all my leftover parts in their original packaging. Next step, get some batteries and power them up.

Duane Benson
Thor, Dog of Thunder, is not allowed


Short Cuts Don’t Always Make Long Delays

The saga continues. I have my parts kit. The PCBs should be here from Sunstone tomorrow. When I placed the order on our website, I estimated that I’d have the parts and PCBs today. I knew it would be tomorrow, but I wanted to see how our communications goes when something is late. Obviously, an assembler can’t start building until the parts have arrived, so the Industry standard is to start the turn-time once everything is in the shop.

If a box is late and the sender doesn’t know it, unintended delays can be added into the process. Knowing this, we recently did a lot of work to improve our communications, on such issues as late parts, to help reduce delays. Sure enough, I dropped on over to the website and right on the top of the home page is a note that I have an issue (late parts) with my job. Tonight at midnight, I should receive an email telling me the same thing too.

On the subject of the PCBs, I sent Gerbers to Sunstone. That works just fine, but I’m always a bit nervous about the accuracy of my layer mapping. They double check, so I’ve never had problems, but I still get nervous.

If I’d waited a few days, like until today, I could have taken a short cut by just sending in my CAD board file — they just started accepting native CAD files. You can still use Gerbers, but if you use Altium, Eagle, OrCAD, National Instruments’ Circuit Design Suite, Ivex Winboard or PCB123, you can just send in the board file and save some time and hassle.

When I get the boards tomorrow, I’ll pack everything up and deliver it to the receiving folks. Then I’ll see how the rest of the build process goes from the other side of the fence, and I’ll see how we deal with extra parts. I did that on purpose also. With a couple of parts, I’m delivering several hundred more than I need. With a few other, just the requisite 5% over. It will be interesting to see just how I get the extras back.

Yes. I know. I work here, so I shouldn’t have any doubt about how all of this stuff works. I do know how it goes, but it’s always a good thing to, every now and then, check and see how well practice matches up with theory.

Duane Benson
Grip, Fang, Wolf! Guard the mushrooms!



Call it what you may, but surface mount assembly robots need this magic file to determine where to place your components and how to orient them. We call it a centroid. Others may call it something else, but it’s all basically the same. In our case, the basic format is comma delimited, in mils:

Ref designator,     Layer,     LocationX,     LocationY,     Rotation
C1 ,                       Top ,           0.5750  ,       2.1000  ,           90

That’s not too difficult. Most CAD programs will automatically create this file for you. Eagle doesn’t natively, but we have a ULP to do it for you in Eagle (downloaded here). Again, no problems here. Mostly…

I say mostly because, at this point, you are at the mercy of the person who created the CAD library part. Provided they center the origin and follow the IPC for orientation, everything should come out just fine. Unfortunately, we do find parts that don’t follow those rules. We’ll do our best to catch and correct such things here, but for maximum reliability, check you library components to make sure. We find the problem crops up most commonly with passives.

IPC says that zero orientation for two pin passives is horizontal, with pin one on the left. For polarized capacitors, pin one is (+). For diodes, pin one is the cathode. They note that pin one is always the polarity mark pin or cathode. Pin one is also on the left for resistors, inductors and non-polarized capacitors, but left vs. right doesn’t matter so much with non-polarized things. The most common orientation error we see is to have the “zero rotation” 270 degrees off from the IPC standard.

Every now and then we’ll find that someone assumes that since usually the anode on a diode tends to be on the positive side, that the anode should be pin one. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Duane Benson
Is it pulling electrons of pushing holes?


Cat Chow

I recently wrote a bit about eating my own dog food relative to a small design I’ve put together. Today, I’m moving along with that process and kitting it all up, so I thought I’d pass on some hints on making a good parts kit. I’m looking at this from the perspective of Screaming Circuits, but my guess is that it would fit for just about anyone assembling your prototypes. Even George’s PCB Assembly and Dry Goods Emporium down past the railroad tracks.

If you’re sending all of the parts, you can leave them in the original package. Just be sure to clearly mark the packages with your reference designators. If you’ve got to cut your strips down, you may need to Downsized_0418110808 re-package the parts, as I am. I got these little handy dandy anti static bags from Digi-Key (part number 16-1032-ND) for less than ten cents each in a pack of 100. You can use the little pink anti-static bags too.

I’ve labeled each bag with the reference designator, the component manufacturer and the manufacturer’s part number. The more ambiguity that you can remove without adding excess clutter, the better. Making the labels was easy. I used Avery #5366 labels and mail merged from my BoM spreadsheet.

You can also put the component value on the label as well, if you can do it without clutter. Maybe line 1, reference designator; line 2, manufacturer and manufacturer part number; line 3, component value. Once you’ve got the bags labeled, go ahead and fill them up with the parts needed for your assembly. Add in 5% extra just in case (50% extra for 0201 passives).

If any of your parts are moisture sensitive either leave them in the original moisture barrier packaging or let us know that they need to be baked prior to assembly. That will prevent popcorn in the reflow oven.

Duane Benson
You’ll like it better or my name isn’t Orville Partenbacher


Chowing Down

I don’t know how common the phrase “eating your own dog food” is. I know I’ve heard it before in some of those obnoxious business seminars. Not all business seminars are obnoxious. Some are quite helpful and actually, now that I think about it, I’m not really sure if I’ve heard the phrase in the obnoxious seminars or the useful ones. Maybe the so-so ones. Hmm.

Anyway, in case you haven’t heard the phrase (it may be a regional thing), it means to use your own product, or in our case, service. I’m not an engineer, but I play one on the Internet. Still, I design and build little things. Since generally what I build is hobby-related, I tend to solder them up myself, leaving our capacity here at Screaming Circuits for the paying customers. But right now, I’m doing something a little different.

SC Promo 042011 top layer I’ve got a little design that I’m going to use to help some folks better understand how things work around here. At first, I’ll just give it to some writers and editors (writers and editors, feel free to shoot me an email about it), but at some point, I hope to be able to have enough to send out to design engineers that want to get a feel for our process. It’s quite a simple board” a PIC microcontroller (18F25K20 SSOP), some switches, resistors, a bunch of 0603 LEDs and some bypass caps. One Schottky diode too. I’m putting together a sample kit just like the sort of kit we like to receive. The files will be on a Screaming Circuits USB drive. The PCB, fabbed at Sunstone.com, will be in there. All the parts, purchased from Digi-Key will be in individual bags; one per BoM line item.

The idea is for someone to take the kit as though it were theirs, create an account on our website, quote the job, place the order (no payment needed), upload the files and send in the kits. Along the way, that person will see what we like to see in a parts kit and how the whole register, quote and order process goes. Once they receive the working board back, all they have to do is decode the secret message it displays.

Back to the dog food. From my side of the Interpipes, it’s easy to say that things are easy. I sit back, drinking lattes and eating oatmeal while everyone else does the real work. But during this process, I’ll get a refresher course on what it’s really like to get a prototype built.

The other day, I sent the Gerber files off to Sunstone to get the PCBs fabbed and the parts order off to Digi-Key. Tomorrow, I’ve got to kit everything up. Stay tuned. Details as events warrant.

Duane Benson
Is this the kind that makes gravy when you pour water on it?
