About Duane

Duane is the Web Marketing Manager for Screaming Circuits, an EMS company based in Canby, Oregon. He blogs regularly on matters ranging from circuit board design and assembly to general industry observations.

Hot Time in the Small Chips Tonight

Years ago, when I worked for a local projector company, we were introducing a relatively compact projector lighted by a halogen lamp. Cooling such bulb in a big, wide open projector wasn’t a problem, but we barely had a few cubic inches of open space around the 400W “heating element” in our projector. Our engineers had to dig up old and nearly lost information about cooling high-powered vacuum tubes in constrained places.

We don’t have to worry about cooling glass devices, and big processors, big regulators and other big power components have needed heatsinks and fans for quite a while, so cooling isn’t really a new science. But the science of cooling is changing. We’re seeing more and more tiny components needing advanced power dissipation techniques.

With our projector bulbs, just sticking a fan next to the bulb wasn’t good enough. These new tiny power components, like the MCP1726 regulator, have a similar issue. You can’t just stick a heat sink on them and call it good. You need to engineer the cooling system with thermal planes, thermal vias and other layout considerations. Some, like the CMLDM7484, a dual MOSFET from Central Semiconductor, in a 1.7 x 1.7mm package, ask for aluminum or ceramic core PCBs to survive its maximum power dissipation. Using the PCB for cooling can be a lot more complex than cooling with heatsinks and fans. Anyone remember how to cool a vacuum tube base area and PCB surrounding it?

Duane Benson
Kelvons have feet, but photons can fly.


Outsourced Out of a Future?

Alert! Self-serving Content Ahead!

I suppose I’m supposed to be self-serving now and then. I mean, I don’t personally design and build things for a living. I do that for fun and dim hopes of robot world domination. These days, I tell people about things for a living so that makes it my job to be mostly self-serving (“self” being defined as “my company”). But self-serving isn’t always bad. I couldn’t get gas for my car here in Oregon without being self-serving. I could get hamburgers though, so I’ll have to conclude that it’s a 50-50 proposition.

We understand outsourcing here at Screaming Circuits. That’s what we do — take people’s outsourced prototype and short-run production assembly work. Being located in Canby, Oregon, USA, we see both sides of the outsourcing discussion. As I said, on the one hand, we do assembly for other people. On the other hand, being a North American manufacturing company, we’ve seen a lot of work go offshore.

Not that I’m against things not in the US. I firmly believe that most of this country’s success is due to the fact that we’re from here, there and all over the world. But, I do want to have a job and I want my friends and family to have a job. We have to be worth something in this country and the rampant pace of off-shoring sometimes makes me wonder if we’re just deluding ourselves in that regard.

The prompt for this post is this article in the Los Angeles Times about Boeing’s outsourcing in the 787 Dreamliner program. The quick summary of the article is to speculate that Boeing went way too far in their outsourcing and have put at risk not only the financial success of the program, but also the company’s future engineering prowess.

Now, here’s the self-serving part. The article outlines how they went wrong by over-outsourcing, but it also points to the value of specialty companies like Screaming Circuits:

That’s not to say that outsourcing never makes sense — it’s a good way to make use of the precision skills of specialty manufacturers, which would be costly to duplicate.

That’s us. We specialize in prototypes and small volumes. We specialize in new and difficult component package sizes. We see such a variety of different types of designs here in our shop that we get good at things like QFNs and micro BGAs sooner than anyone else. (Hyperbole, perhaps, but I do believe it none the less). We’ve built things that go under water, up into space and everywhere in between. We don’t specialize in one or a few specific vertical markets, like medical or consumer, we specialize in the prototype phase of the development program across virtually all market categories.

So, outsourcing: I’m in favor of intelligent outsourcing. My advice to you: Outsource where it make sense. Don’t outsource where it doesn’t. Look at the true cost of such decisions, not just the surface image. Keep some value add in your company and don’t just become a marketing shell.

Duane Benson
Time to make my oatmeal.


Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip …

Okay, water doesn’t have to actually be dripping down on to your parts to be a problem. I don’t know if you’ve heard or not, but water also comes in vapor form. Weird. I wonder if there’s a way to harness water in that vapor stage and do something useful with it. Hmmm. Ponder material for another day.

Here is something not so useful about vaporous water: It can get into your parts and make them unhappy. I was recently asked about opening and resealing moisture barrier packages for moisture-sensitive parts. This old post has a link to the IPC and Jedec standards document (J-STD-033B.1) covering this subject. It can be a complicated subject and the document is worth the read.

In sort, the best thing to do is just leave the parts sealed in their original moisture barrier packaging. If that’s not practical, look at the MSD classification. There are eight levels with one being least sensitive and six being most. (Levels are 1, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 5, 5A and 6). Most parts seem to be level 3, which can be open and exposed for a cumulative time of 168 hr. The actual safe time may vary based on your local humidity.

If you want to open and reseal, you’ll need the humidity indicator card that came with the parts, desiccant and a thermal sealing gizmo. Open the package, take out the parts you need, put the remainders, desiccant and card back in the package and reseal it. Sealing it with tape won’t do the trick. Then you would count the time that the components were in the open air toward the cumulative open time.

If there’s any doubt, just let the assembly house know that the parts need to be baked. It will probably add some time to your job, but it’s better to add a bit of time than have bad parts.

Duane Benson
Add walnuts and chocolate chips.


Hello… Any Good Part Shipping Ideas?

Ever have one of those situations where there really aren’t any good answers? There may be right answers, but not necessarily any that fit well to the specific situation or are all that convenient.

The question at hand relates to packaging and shipping small quantities of large ICs to your prototype house. If you buy them in small quantities, go ahead and use that packaging to ship to Screaming Circuits. That’s not a problem. The problem (and this question) comes when you need to purchase a bunch of them but only need to use a few at a time. This is primarily an issue for parts that come in trays.

Let’s say you have a 23 x 23mm BGA or QFP that came in a tray with 60 parts. You need to ship five of the parts for an assembly order at Screaming Circuits. We tell you not to ship them loose. You don’t want to risk in-transit loss or damage to all 60 parts by shipping the full tray. What do you do?

For leadless parts like BGAs, LGAs and QFNs, you can carefully pack each one in a small individual anti-static bag and then wrap them in bubble wrap. You can’t do that with leaded parts like QFPs. Don’t do it. Bent leads don’t solder well. And, don’t put more than one BGA in an antic-static bag. Missing solder balls won’t solder either.

For all types of chips, you could take a band saw to a spare empty tray and cut it down to the size you need. Or, better yet, you can find someone that sells JEDEC Matrix IC Trays and see if they have any that meet your size and capacity requirements. www.topline.tv or www.practicalcomponents.com are good places to start. That won’t help much if it’s noon on Tuesday and you need to make a shipping deadline of 3 pm. But it will likely help for future projects.

If you do choose to send in your full tray, we will treat all of the parts with care, bake if needed, properly reseal and pack them for the return trip to you.

Duane Benson


How Many Spins?

The other day I wrote about my failure to follow my own advice. Obviously, advice is only for someone else. Just like the best standards are double. Right?

Hmmm. It got me to thinking about board spins. Years ago, I remember products produced by the company I worked for often coming out with double-digits worth of mod wires in production PC boards. I think with the ability to turn PCBs in a day or a few, that rarely happens anymore. But what about in the prototype stage?

Here at Screaming Circuits, surprisingly few repeats show up other than from people using us for small-lot production. We do see a lot of layout issues here, but likely we see a lot because we see a lot times a big multiplier of different designs here.

For my little dohickeys, I seem to need about one board spin due to design or layout problems for each five designs. Of course, mine are pretty simple. Most of my boards spins are due to me coming up with better ideas after using the thing for a while.

If my supposition is true that mods are required less often now, is it because designers are better now, tools are better now or components are better now? How many times do you typically re-spin a PCB due to design or layout problems?

Duane Benson


Nightmare on BGA Street

I seem to be in a bit of a BGA mood lately. I do that sometimes – pick a subject and talk it to death before moving on. Well, maybe not quite talk it to death, but at least talk it to the pain.

9x13 via in pad BGA land Take a look at this land pattern for a bluetooth module. Anyone see anything odd? Yeah. All of those really big open vias. I know what the designer was trying to do. A good number of the vias are ground connections of one sort or another that need to be connected to an internal ground plane layer.

Given that is is a 1 mm pitch BGA, there is plenty of room to put the vias between the pads and not cause any trouble. That would be one recommended approach. The other would be to have the vias filled and plated over at the board house. No matter what you do, though, the vias can’t be left wide open like this. It’s a real bummer.

Duane Benson
B.V.O.U.S.’s? BGA Vias Of Unusual Size. I don’t think they exist.


BGA Woes

Quite a few of the new chips I see coming out stick to the BGA or QFN form-factor. Sometimes they’ll be referred to as WSP (wafer scale package) or CSP (chip scale package), but those are still just little BGAs. Some do show up in larger packages, but many of the really new designs seem to stick to these form-factors.

A few years back, we tended to see a lot of design problems related to regular, big BGAs (0.8 mm or greater pitch). Things like black padmicrovoids and via in pad cropped up to cause proto-headaches. While those problems still show up from time to time, they have become much less frequent. No, we’re seeing issues with the tiny ones — 0.5 and 0.4 mm BGAs, CSPs and WSPs.

With a big BGA, you can route to vias in between the pads. That’s easy. With the small ones, especially 0.4mm, you can’t. You have to put the vias in the pads. Of course, you have to fill and plate over the vias. Big BGAs tend to prefer non-soldermask defined pads (NSMD) while some of the 0.4 mm BGAs require soldermask-defined (SMD) pads. A really flat surface is more important for the tiny parts too. Don’t fear extra small parts, but you may need to do a bit more homework and relearn a few old rules-of-thumb.

Duane Benson
I’m solderin, I’m solderin, I’m solderin for you


The 15 Contest!

Or would that be the 125 contest? Maybe the 22B contest or the 1053 contest. Ah — the 555Contest. That has a ring to it. Come one, come all who want to have fun with the venerable 555 timer chip. I mentioned this contest a little while ago, but it’s even cooler now. They’ve announced the contest prizes. Check them out! Go. Check it out. It’s cool. I might enter myself. Maybe.

Jeri (twitter.com/jeriellsworth) suggested a design contest centered around the old stalwart 555 timer. Chris (twitter.com/Chris_Gammell) caught on to the idea and they put together this entire contest through Twitter. It was an amazing demonstration of one of the capabilities Twitter has that I had no idea of.

The entry deadline is March 1, 2011. Entries will be accepted beginning Feb. 21. Go for it. Have fun and maybe win fabulous prizes. I’m not in any way affiliated with the contest, so I can enter myself and I can order you to enter it. I insist.

On a more serious note, there are lessons to be learned in this event. First, while a lot of us may not yet understand Twitter, thinking it mostly a vehicle for passing on messages such as: “I 8 a apple.” This contest came from an idea and a couple of creative folks. They Tweeted about it. Other people picked it up and retweeted, and it went from there. They have a website, sponsors, prizes and judges all in the spanse of about two weeks.

One of the other lessons may have to wait until either you get out your 555 or the contest is over. We may just find some new life in an old chip that is thought more of as a hobby and low-end device chip. WHo knows. Maybe there will be a few legitimate new uses for the part that we collectively hadn’t thought about before.

Duane Benson
Dead bug is okay, I presume, if the dead bug isn’t dead


Rework Foibles

Yesterday, I wrote about my foibles in ignoring my own advice. As SiliconFarmer pointed outRework 002 cropped over on Twitter, it’s not just something you need to do when you’re re-purposing a close land pattern. Sometimes even the “correct” pattern can have the wrong drill size or a few mixed up pins.

The bottom line is that if you want to reduce the chance of scrapping some expensive PCBs, or having spots that look like what I did (above), check your land patterns.

I couldn’t find my wire-wrap wire late last night, so instead, I used the leads from old though-hole resistors. It’s kind of a mess, but I do like the hatch-markish look that I gave it.

Not to shift any blame frommyself, but I do find it quite annoying when a part falls into such a common standard configuration, as in three-terminal regulator, but the manufacturer picks a different pin-out.

(Note that I did this rework myself at home. The folks here at Screaming Circuits do  much, much higher quality work.)

Duane Benson
The problem with unwritten rules is that they’re unwritten


Lesson Learned … or Not

MC39100 pin out I’ve written quite a number of times about the perils of CAD software land patterns. Especially if you don’t have an exact match and need to adapt something close.

Recently, I was looking in my Eagle library for a low-drop out regulator, MC39100 is SOT223. It’s just a standard, run of the mill 7805 replacement. Nothing special. A million other parts share the same pin-out. Shouldn’t be a problem. Shouldn’t …

If I were to follow my own advice, it wouldn’t have been a problem. But did I follow my own advice? Well, not this part of it. I took for granted that all three terminal regulators follow the 78XX pin-out. Most do, but the LD1117A (below) does not. This isn’t the first time I’ve used a non-standard regulator, so I really don’t have an excuse.LD1117A pin out

Naturally, I assumed that the pin-out matched what I needed and I didn’t hunt down an LD1117A data sheet to verify their pin-out. Well, at least I didn’t do so until trying to get my new PCB to power up. Very sad.

So, is there a moral to this story? Probably. Most likely it would be twofold. One, if you’re repurposing a land pattern from a part that’s close, but not exact, double-check your work. Get both datasheets out and compare the pin-out.

The second part of the moral is, if you give advice … follow it yourself. Duh.

Duane Benson
Help! I’m blinded by the obvious.
