About Mike

Mike Buetow is president of the Printed Circuit Engineering Association (pcea.net). He previously was editor-in-chief of Circuits Assembly magazine, the leading publication for electronics manufacturing, and PCD&F, the leading publication for printed circuit design and fabrication. He spent 21 years as vice president and editorial director of UP Media Group, for which he oversaw all editorial and production aspects. He has more than 30 years' experience in the electronics industry, including six years at IPC, an electronics trade association, at which he was a technical projects manager and communications director. He has also held editorial positions at SMT Magazine, community newspapers and in book publishing. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois. Follow Mike on Twitter: @mikebuetow

Sunstone’s ‘Fab’ Design Tool

Sunstone is again acting as much like a software company as it is a quickturn PCB fabricator.

The board shop, which over the past few years has developed and honed its free CAD/DfM tool known as PCB123, today rolled out a conversion tool that features native file upload functionality.

In short, customers no longer need to export data in Gerber; instead, they can use one of a series of native data formats, including Altium, Eagle, OrCad, NI, and others (including, of course, PCB123).

It’s the second big development by the PCB maker in the past year, having already rolled out a parts library addition to PCB123 that supports some 500,000 components.

PCB123 won’t replace the big ticket CAD suites, of course, but for the types of prototype boards most designers need, it keeps getting better and better. And with its CAD conversion capability, Sunstone further extends its “ease” factor to those who don’t use the company’s own software.

Loss of a Legend

Werner Engelmaier, a man I have known for 20 years, died Friday on a trip to Jordan.

News of his passing stunned and saddened me. Werner was a force: a man of unmistakable integrity, commitment, intelligence and fearlessness.

Werner had attained guru status before I even had entered the industry. In the mid 1990s, while on the technical staff at IPC, I often was left with a long list of faxed questions (you read that right: our boss at the time didn’t like phone calls from those pesky customers) from process engineers mystified by one specification or another. Werner became one of my go-to guys, and always took the time to explain the thinking behind the standards. Who knows how many engineers thought I knew what I was talking about when in fact, I was simply quoting Werner.

Appreciating for years his passion for skiing — Werner would often take advantage of flights from his Florida home to the West Coast by stopping off at one of his favorite mountains — I once mentioned how much I liked the Snowbird resort outside Salt Lake City. Werner laughed, and said he preferred a nearby peak, adding he had a saying, “I ski Alta, and I give you the ‘Bird’ ” a tongue-in-cheek reference to the one-finger salute.

That was Werner. He had his opinions — be it Alloy 42 or lead-free soldering — and stuck to them, insisting on data above politics and the path of least resistance. He was patient and respectful, but he carried that trait to which all journalists aspire: He spoke truth to power.

And, as his son Peter said, he was “reliable” in every sense of the word. It was strange not seeing Werner at IPC Apex last week. It was the first time I can remember him missing an IPC meeting (and I know why he did, although I’m not going to write it here). Instead, he gave a two-day seminar in Israel, then flew to Aqaba, Jordan, to go scuba diving. In his absence, he still received a pair of awards for work on newly released IPC standards.

I will miss a lot of things about Werner: his sense of humor and smile, his tenacity, his mind. But mostly, I will just miss him.



Time to Panic?

Anecdotal reports indicate some manufacturers are purchasing larger-than-needed amounts of raw materials and certain components out of concern for supply availability in coming months. This is all tied to the shortages brought on by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

In the near-term, I expect analysts will be a bit confused as to what’s real demand and what’s over-ordering. Something to watch.


2 for the Show

Congratulations to old friend Don Dupriest, the latest inductee to the IPC Hall of Fame. Don has been an steady hand on the tiller of many, many IPC bare board and materials specifications for three decades. He truly deserves the honor.

And a big shout out to old friend Dieter Bergman, who celebrated his 80th birthday Sunday in a unique way — he got married. I couldn’t be happier for my friend.

The End of CircuiTree

Today we bid farewell to CircuiTree Magazine, which will fold on May 1.

Larry Maher, global sales manager, CircuiTree, sent an email to customers today, writing: “It is my sad duty to inform you that effective May 1, CircuiTree Magazine  will be ceasing publication.  The last published issue is the April, 2011 issue.  The CircuiTree e-mail newsletters will cease publication effective May 1 and the CircuiTree web site will be closed on May 1.”

CircuiTree was an earnest and competent challenger through the years, despite its many management changes. The past few years, it suffered from something of an identity problem as it struggled with trying to decide which market it served. As a result, I think its coverage suffered. Still, 25 years is a good life for a magazine. Today, we salute our fallen competitors and colleagues.

The Non-Mentor Post

Taking a break from the ongoing tennis match between one major CAD company and its, shall we say, less-than-pleased biggest shareholder, there’s been some interesting developments elsewhere this week.

As noted yesterday, Altium is packing up its HQ, R&D and marketing teams and moving them lock, stock and barrel to Shanghai. After hearing some of the usual chortling and catcalls, then finally speaking with Altium (late) last night, the rationale behind the move seems sound, if a bit abrupt. I’ll have more on that later today when I post the interview.

Also on the far West side of the Pacific (it doesn’t pay to sleep in this job) Fujitsu will integrate its signal integrity tool into  Zuken’s CAD suite. (Not certain yet what this means for Zuken’s own SI tools, which at the moment actually have a larger market share than Fujitsu’s.) The move would put the combined suite closer to No. 2 Ansoft in the SI arena. Mentor is still well ahead of the pack, but it’s a start.

Altium on the Move

Altium is moving to Shanghai.

Yes, you read that right. Sydney’s favorite EDA software developer is turning Chinese, relocating its headquarters and R&D operations to the mainland.

That’s the “what.” The “why” is not so clear.

In a press release, Altium spoke of the “Internet of Things,” China’s talent pool and the potential for greater revenue in China.

I’m probably on the Web 15 hours a day (or more, according to my wife), but I’m mot sure what the “Internet of Things” is. I’m guessing it has something to do with Altium’s move toward cloud computing. If so, it doesn’t need Shanghai for that. Server containers, especially ones laden with databases, should be located wherever energy is cheapest and IP secure. Shanghai is an incredibly safe metropolis insofar as physical well-being is concerned. For technology protections, not so much.

As for the Chinese talent pool and revenue potential, that’s all true. But it would be equally true if Altium maintained a token HQ in Sydney. Companies do that all the time.

The distance from Sydney to Shanghai is about 5,000 miles (8,000 km). Having been to both, I can also say they are quite a bit farther apart in terms of lifestyles and cultures. I’m not certain how Nick Martin convinced his top execs to move, but it couldn’t have been easy.

Compared to its rather staid EDA competitors, Altium is more unpredictable and daring (and usually more fun as a result), and usually those moves have paid off. I’m having trouble seeing the advantages here, though.

Top 5 Ways April Fools Is Good For You

April 1st has come and gone. The concept of “April Fools” goes back many years. In some circles, the first April Fools’ Joke is said to have been played on November 13 in the year 1959 by Duchess Gloriana XII of Grand Fenwick. Others pin the first joke several centuries earlier.

Conventional thinking is that the jokes played on that day can be humorous, annoying, disruptive or downright dangerous. It’s the disruptive and dangerous jokes that have caused the formation of a movement to ban all jokes on April 1st. Despite that, history has shown that the levity of the day can have positive effects as well. That being the case, here are my top five reasons April Fools’ Day can be good for you:

  1. It can be good for your peace of mind. If your coworker plays a joke on you by secretly changing the calibration on your scope so the ranges will be off, you can have a day of feeling good about your OP Amp circuit, thinking the noise level is down to just where you want it.
  2. April Fools’ jokes can lower your blood pressure. For example, say a coworker replaces your pepper with a bunch of 1 x 1.3mm 6-bump chip scale BGAs. You then put generous helpings of salt and “pepper” on your chicken sandwich. While probably not at all healthy, the little chips probably aren’t fatally bad to consume but would taste so bad you’d spit out the first bite and not eat the rest of your sandwich, thus not consuming all of that blood-pressure-raising salt.
  3. It can make solder selection easier. As it is, your lead-free vs. leaded decision (for stuff not going to Europe) has to be made based on the BGA. Mixing leaded solder with lead-free BGAs and vice versa is not a good thing. If someone in materials plays an April Fools’ joke by scraping all the solder balls off your BGA, you may at first feel despair. But then you realize that without the pesky solder balls, you can use it like an LGA and pick whatever kind of solder you want.
  4. It can help with recreation. When you arrive to your cubicle loaded with 20,000 ping pong balls, you may be dismayed at first. But, take heart in the fact that you now have a lifetime supply of ping pong balls. You can now learn the sport without fear of losing your supply of ping pong balls due to explosion or crushing. And, be glad that they didn’t used golf balls.
  5. You can get a promotion and a big raise. This is your opportunity to shine. Play a humiliating and very public prank on your boss, or perhaps your boss’s boss. By bringing humor into his or her life, you’ll not only be noticed, but will also be greatly appreciated for raising moral though public humiliation of management. They always appreciate that.

Duane Benson
Ever get that sinking feeling – you had a very tiny part out so you could use the part number in a humor blog post referring to consuming that part and when you’re about halfway through the snack you’ve been eating while writing the post, you discover that the tiny little part is gone? At least it’s a lead-free part.
