There continue to be a slew of great discussions on LinkedIn pertaining to component sourcing and counterfeits, with good reason. For recently, for example, a person identifying themselves as a purchasing manager at Askoll SEI, an industrial heating appliance OEM, posted the following note:
I am in shortage with a capacitor:UUB1A101MCR1GS, Nichicon. I need 20K.
Is anyone that can help me with? By chance, do you have it on stock?
All I can say is, if the PM finds the missing part, it is unlikely she will do so through a company on Askoll’s AVL. And if that’s the case, isn’t this exactly what experts on keeping component supply chains “clean” rail against?
Shame on Nichicon and other manufacturers who can’t for their life fill an order within a reasonable amount of time, say 2 weeks. They open the market to counterfeiters.
We use your components in our design and you hang us out to dry.
Furthermore, shame on their distributors.