March is traditionally known for the promise of spring and for the madness that accompanies college basketball. But in the world of printed circuit boards March means the Virtual PCB event. Yes, it’s already that time again. Virtual PCB is live next week, March 8 and 9 on a computer near you.
If you have not visited the show in the past, this year you owe it to yourself to check it out. It’s easy, you can look at things at your own pace, and you never even have to get on a plane or worry about parking. All the travel is through the wonders of the internet.
I’m not going to get into all of the things that will be going on at Virtual PCB, Mike Buetow’s post on here does a good job of that. But I want to make everyone aware that Virtual PCB is live March 9 and 9 and that we all hope to “see” you there.
Stay in touch,