I’ve been ignoring my Geiger counter for awhile now, but I picked it back up and made some progress again. For some reason, I just wasn’t getting the 555 based HV power supply to generate a high enough voltage. In frustration, I bypassed the 555 and fed a PWM signal in from a microcontroller board that I have laying around.
That fixed the problem. I still don’t know why I wasn’t able to the the 555 doing what it was supposed to do. I’ll have to spend some more time on that some other day, but for now, I’ve prototyped it out and I’m happily detecting particles. I whipped out the new layout and will send off to Sunstone.com for another set of PCBs.
I’ve also replaced the Atmel chip with a PIC. I don’t have anything against Atmel. I’m just more familiar with PICs. Once I’ve built a few of these, I’ll change to really small packages — QFNs or BGAs for the chips — to make the board a little more fitting with our assembly capabilities. The SOIC chips are fine, but our machines don’t even come close to breaking a sweat with things that big.
Duane Benson
We treat agoraphobia for PC boards